Location: Southwest Ohio
Growing up in Southwest Ohio I learned how to fish for smallmouth bass in local rivers from a very early age. Most days in the summer were spent wading or canoeing the Great Miami, Little Miami, Stillwater, and Mad Rivers for smallmouth and the occasional saugeye or walleye.
Living in the Dayton, OH area you fish for smallmouth because there are very few flat water spots that are under a 30 minute drive. Occasionally trips to local ponds would produce a nice largemouth here and there, but why waste time catching largemouth when you could catch smallmouth the same size or bigger!

Once in college at the Ohio State University I began to fish and learn new river systems that included the Olentangy, Scioto, Alum Creek, and the Big & Little Darby. While in Columbus I started to also fish flat water a bit more and species more accustomed to flat water including crappie and largemouth bass, but was still sold on moving water.
While growing up my father was addicted to whitewater kayaking as much as I was to fishing. Often times I was traveling during my grade school and high school years to West Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Canada, or other whitewater kayaking destinations. Admittedly, most of the travels during these years were made under protest. As any young kid I wanted to hang out with friends and not a bunch of "old" people at a campground. As the years moved on I began to appreciate the fact that I visited places like the New River, Gauley River, and Meadow Creek, or places with strange names like the Youghiogheny, Obed-Emory, Chatooga, Nantahala, Ocoee, and Pukaskwa.

In 2011 I found out about an online kayak tournament called Kayak Wars. This website first introduced me to the idea of competitive, but fun kayak fishing. Previously, it was always just a goal to catch more fish than the person I was fishing with that particular day. After participating in Kayak Wars in 2012 I began to pay closer attention to species of fish that I would normally not be interested in targeting. I mean who gets in a kayak and says, "Let's go catch an 11" perch" in February? I always envisioned perch fisherman sitting up on shore on a 5 gallon bucket with a coffee can full of worms in one hand and rod in the other (sorry grandpa!). What I didn't realize is how hard it is to land certain species of fish that had a minimum size limit. Kayak Wars opened up a whole new element of kayak fishing.

While I have yet to slime a kayak in saltwater I have also had the opportunity to fish in the Carolina's and the Gulf of Mexico for saltwater species. Some of those catches include yellow-fin tuna, dolphin fish, gag grouper, speckled trout, redfish, snapper, flounder, sea bass, black tip shark, spanish mackerel, king mackerel, pompano, flounder, and triggerfish. If I started to make a bucket list one of the top items on the list would be to catch all those species in a yak.
I hope my kayak fishing experiences contained within this blog help promote kayak fishing and provide a spark for other kayak anglers to get out on the water!
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